Cummings Farms

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

New Cow/Calf Pair!!!!

We just got in a new cow/calf pair. The cow is a shorthorn sired by ALM Sabotage. She is really docile and maternal, which works out great for our program. She will be going into our ET program as a recip for now and if that doesn't work out, we'll be AI'ing her for a calf next year. Her calf is a heifer sired by the up and coming Tiger Woods who has proven himself through his first calf crop this year. He is sired by Monopoly and out of a Dr. Who cow. With these genetics we can only expect her to get better and better with time. We will either show her this year or sell her this summer/fall. She should make an excellent show heifer and great cow down the road.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Money Man Bull Calf (New Pics)

Here are a couple pics of our Money Man bull calf out of our Dr. Who x Heat Seeker donor Oreo. He is for sale now and will be during the summer privately. These aren't the best pics of him. He isn't clipped, fitted or anything in the pictures, just out on the pasture eatin' at the bale feeder.

Breeding Season

Well its that time of year again. Keeping a sharp eye on the cows for heats and keeping good paperwork, dates, and data for breeding. We still have one cow to calve in July(Hereford) and one cow (Sassy) isnt far enough post calving to setup on shots and implant a CIDR in for a heat to breed on. Our protocol is a 7 Day Co-Synch with CIDR. It works like this: Day 1: Give one shot of GNRH(we use 2cc) intramuscular.
Implant the CIDR.
Day 8: Give one shot of Lutalyse(we use 5cc) intramuscular.
Pull CIDR.
Day 11(60-72 hrs. later): Breed. Give 2cc shot of GNRH.

So far we've bred to Lagrand Reload 80P ET, H Excel 8051 ET, and DB Hard Drive ET for a full sib to the Hard Drive heifer we have this year. We were really impressed with the way this mating turned out so we bred back the same way!!!

We will be putting in embryos hopefully within the next two weeks. More details coming soon!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

2010 Res. Champion Hereford Steer Jasper County!!!!

Here is Homer, my hereford steer, at the 2010 Jasper County Preview Show!!! He was named Reserve Champion. There was only one picture that the photographer took, so I'm glad it turned out as well as it did. I'd again like to thank my family and friends for all their help. Especially Justin Olson of Olson Family Shorthorns for fitting and clipping Homer!!!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

THE little SUPRISE!!!

On Monday I had posted about a little suprise we had when we went out to the pasture to take pictures. That little suprise was a new baby bull calf out of donor Sassy!!! He is a Dirty Harry. He was 90lbs unassisted, as vigorous as one could be, and Sassy couldnt have been a better mother!!! Very protective, letting him milk without moving, and claimed him immediately! It was quite the sight to see!! Very impressive to see mother nature at her best. Here are a few pics of the calf getting up.

Top Left: SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Top Right: Sassy and Baby (Sassy's very proud of her calf)
Bottom Right: The little one trying to get up!!!!

Money Man Bull

Here is an updated picture of our 2010 Money Man bull calf. His dam is Oreo. You can see her picture at the top left of the page above the links. He is for sale and will continue to be this fall. Get him before he's gone as we've already had much interest on him!!

The Herefords

Here are some rough pictures of our hereford cows on the pasture. They are in their "working clothes" and not cleaned up AT ALL. We'd just gotten rain the previous day, so everyone was pretty DIRTY!!! Flushes and embryos available on all hereford females now!

Top Left: GHF 11N Miss Zoose 22S aka Belle
Top Right: ACC Ramsey Cinnamon Spice aka Cinnamon
Bottom Right: MH 29F Miss Online 8467 ET aka Missy

Reserve Champion Hereford Steer Jasper County Preview Show

We had a successful weekend so far!!! We showed the Reserve Champion Hereford steer at the 2010 Jasper County Preview show. This is Homers'(name of steer)second show of the spring and the second time Reserve Champion!! We had lots help from family and friends. A special thanks to Justin Olson of Olson Family Shorthorns for clipping Homer and helping fit him. We wouldnt have been able to get Homer ready without his help!!! Thanks again Justin! I'll be posting pictures as soon as they are available.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Just A Few Calf Pics

These arent the calf pics I recently posted about, but some I just snapped when I got home today. Not near the quality of the others, but they give you an idea of how hte calves are coming along. The pictures really dont do them justice, you've gotta see them in person to apppreciate the quality here!!! Hope you enjoy and thanks for visiting the blog!


Pictures: Top Left: Purple Tonic x Miss Online 8467 ET
Top Right: DB Hard Drive ET X Belle
Bottom Right: Majors Money Man X Oreo (Side Profile)
Bottom Left: Majors Money Man X Oreo (Quarter View)

Monday, May 24, 2010

A LITTLE Suprise!!!!

Well me and my buddy went back out to the pasture to snap some updated calf pics. They are progressing into major show animals like wildfire. We couldnt have been more happy with how our breedings turned out. Oh and we got a nice little suprise when we went out to snap pics!!!! Our Hannibal Donor Sassy calved to Dirty Harry!!! 90lbs unassisted just like last time. The calf basically slid out and was up and milking within TEN minutes!!! We recommend Dirty Harry to anyone who wants a saleable and showable calf out of a first calf heifer. He is a bull calf and already has that look to him. We will get pics up as soon as I can upload them. Check back this week and we'll have pics!!!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

New Pictures Coming Soon!!!

Well we are going to be pretty busy the next month. Weekends will be our only free time (if we even get those off) lol. I'll try and get new pictures up asap. The calves are looking great, we'll be getting spring sale pics up soon, so be sure to visit back soon!!!! Thanks!!!!


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring Smack Down Sale

We just got back from the Spring Smack Down Sale in Southern Ohio. We had about 11 hours of total driving but it was worth it to look at the calves. We stopped at Cummings Cattle(No relation to us lol) and they had an outstanding set of calves. Their tag 15 Manchild bull was really impressive. All of their Manchild calves seemed to be some of the best if not the best on the sale. Another bull calf that I liked was tag 136, another Manchild sired calf, who seemed to most closely resemble tag 15 at a fraction of the bid at that time. Overall a good set of calves and some good people.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cow/Calf Pics

We got another nice night, so a buddy and I went out to the pasture to snap some pics before the rain comes next week, and we all know rain = bad picture weather.

Top Left: Purple Tonic x Remitall Online 122L (Heifer)
Top Right: Sassy(Hannibal x Ice Pick) Donor
Middle Left and Right: Money Man x Oreo (Bull)
Bottom Right Hard Drive x Belle (Heifer)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Next Calves

Well right now we're done calving for a while. Our next two cows aren't due until May 15 and July 18. Between now and then we will be flushing and breeding back the cows that have calved. I will let you know how the flushes go and who gets AI'd to what, for next years calves. We will also be hopefully aquiring a few cow/calf pairs this spring for our embryo transfer program.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Pasture Pics

It was nice out today so I decided to take the John Deere Gator out to the pasture and snap some pics of the cows and calves. The hereford cow/calf pair pictures are of the Hard Drive heifer and her mother Belle. The Black cow/calf pair is of the Majors Money Man bull and his mother Oreo. The single hereford heifer is the Purple Tonic heifer whose mother is Missy(Remitall Online 122L X C-S Boomer 29F).

Sunday, April 18, 2010

MH 29F Miss Online 8467 ET

Miss Online is a Remitall Online 122L x C-S Boomer 29F heifer. She is a many time class winner and was Champion hereford heifer at the LaPorte County Fair. She has always been a crowd favorite at shows. She is the dam of the Purple Tonic calf on the home page.

More Calves

Here is a picture of the DB Hard Drive ET heifer that was born yesterday. She is pretty big for her age, but looks promising!!!! Also attached is a picture of the Purple Tonic 10M heifer. The Hard Drive heifer is in the barn and the Tonic is in the pasutre area.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

New Calves

Over the past two days we've had two new calves. One a Majors Money Man bull calf out of a Dr. Who x Heat Seeker heifer. The other a purebred hereford heifer sired by DB Hard Drive ET out of a Star Moose cow. The Money Man calf was 70lbs and unassisted. The Hard Drive was 95lbs and backwaards, so we had to pull her, but her and the dam are doing well today(just born yesterday). A month ago(before I started blog) we had a purebred hereford heifer sired by Purple Tonic 10M out of my hereford show heifer from last year who is a Remitall Online x C-S Boomer 29,she was 3 weeks earlier and weighed 66lbs.F. She is a full sib the Div. 10 Champion at the 2009 Hereford Jr. Nationals, Res. Champ herf heifer at the Indiana State fair Jr. Show, and Illiniois State Fair Open Show. Some of the best genetics in the breed reside in this cow!!! This is the second Purple Tonic calf we've had on the farm and they are by far the easiest calving and most VIGOROUS calves by far. We still have two more to calve out, one a purebred hereford and the other a percent maine! We have our fingers crossed that these next calvings will go as good as the previous ones.
The second pic is of the Purple Tonic X Remitall Online X C-S Boomer 29F Heifer
The first pic is of the Majors Money Man X Dr. Who X Heat Seeker Bull

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Visit our Website!!!

Dont forget to visit our website at Just click on the Cummings Farms logo above to visit our website!!! Thanks!!!


New Blog

Well I've just created our blog. Please bear with me as I am VERY new to this and am still trying to figure it out. Hope you all enjoy following our progress through the calving seasons and showdays!
